Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

Well it's 2011...a new year with new goals and a new perspective. The hubby and I joined a local gym in our area that offers BJJ, CrossFit, Thai Boxing, and MMA training. When you join a gym like this, they expect more from you than just attendance; rather we expect more from them than just class instruction.... When we moved here from MD, we left our crossfit gym (crossfit diesel) in Columbia where after most WODs(workout of the day) we'd pick the instructors brain on how to improve our performance during each WOD. 90% of the time the answer was nutrition. This led us to the crossfit journal and the Zone Diet: http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/cfjissue21_May04.pdf

While it was hard at first to adapt to this way of eating, the results were amazing! I was in the best shape of my life and I was able to do things I never thought possible; push ups, pull ups, deadlifts, and run just to name a few. Never mind the fact I had no clue what thrusters, snatches, hanging power cleans, or kettle bells were in the beginning, but in good time these "things" became part of my everyday life and I loved it!!!

After moving and leaving crossfit diesel it has been hard getting back in to crossfit again. My body can no longer do the things it once did since i took so much time off. I miss the instructors and friends i made at Diesel. It's hard for me to make the group classes at our new gym and when I do I'm surrounded by intimidating men who could swing me like a kettle bell. :) Plus I lost my workout partner, as Sean prefers to take BJJ classes instead of crossfit.

This year there are no more excuses.... My goal is to rekindle my relationship with crossfit again and be my own motivator!

I think it will be easier too since Sean is almost 100% paleo....and with he being the cook of the household; I reap the benefits (of eating healthier)!

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